Friday, February 4, 2011

What Is Difference Between Emu Wool

Fabio Rinaldi "the other side of the true"

've been Conestabo Art Gallery,
to see the exhibition by Fabio Rinaldi, ..... what to say, what to say ....... ,.......... to be seen.
eclectic and visionary artist who, with his photograph (or photographic art) made us go beyond the usual canons of "see."
The title of "the other side of truth," not just a rhetorical form to introduce a philosophy of artistic vision, ......... but in this case, brought on paper his feelings and visions,
in a real and unique, impeccably made, that every common man can see and understand immediately.
Many can speak of "interpretation is" the theme or message ..... here, just the opposite. Rinaldi
message is so immediate / direct, and so well done, that the vents in the direction of travel of interpretation only.
So ...... not only words (as many), but here, even facts.
More than just an exhibition, I would say that is almost an installation ..... where .... so arrogant, he exhibited his works in a negative / positive, launching directly message by its user to view.
picture on the wall, not parallel to it, but at 90 °, so that the viewer a kind of continuous film in the collection.
Truly effective inquiteante ....., .... but effective ..... especially to see these beautiful works!


some photos taken with the cell.


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