Saturday, July 10, 2010

Brown Snot Discharge Before Period


As you can see we have! Our cabin was Golomolo is finally completed and inaugurated in particular! We are now in the third week stay ... and I can assure you that were unique and unforgettable moments! After the first day devoted entirely to the large, intensely cleaning .. (`c` and `taken a fair bit to get the result shown in the photos!), We started to stay with children and youth center, and is with them moggior who spends most of the time. Stay Golomolo is beautiful but also exhausting in many ways, our house is in fact deprived of many things we have come to appreciate much more now that we feel in every respect the "weight". The water current, for example, there is `no, and every morning we have to go to fill two each 20-liter jerry cans ... not to mention the bathroom ... is missing too, and we have two toilets to replace out at about 20 meters from the house, right now "kept" at best, and thanks to Vim always Boygon scope! At night, candlelight ?!?... .. and so ends the day you learned new features names, smiles and laughter continued, and ran after Italian lessons improvised! Children are a real force of Gossace ... can make things more light when we are in Kampala .. we miss terribly, and we look forward to returning to the `` playing, laughing and spending time with them.


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