Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How To Install Aqua Tech Power Filter

I like pissing in the wind, while I monkey around [with you] ...

ON AIR: Walking on Air, Kerli
So it would be very trivial, for me, put me to write to the Nobel Barack Obama would be predictable and unoriginal. In any case, I had to do it several days ago: would be more sensible and I would not have seemed like a voice in the tail of a long line of dissent, more or less sarcastic. Right now, in short, it would be good for me to remain in silence to pretend nothing happened. Too bad I can not do it right. When was that? Friday? Well, Friday I was at the computer with the TV on next to me: I was watching a news - can not remember which, probably sz 5 - and I overheard the news of the Nobel. I stood for a moment, impassive. Then I tied up, I turned my face and I turned up the volume to maximum: the committee responsible to buckle moneyed prizes to those who have been able to promote and establish a peaceful environment has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama. Not I'm here to list all the reasons why the news has left me ta bases, mostly because it seems to me even paradoxical: I would rather turn the situation around and get to know the underlying reasons and I totally dark which led the Board of Oslo to take this convoluted decision. Obama is not that I dislike: Certainly not. And how could the rest? It 's so good - or maybe it's his entourage to be very, very good - to manage its image, to express themselves and be worshiped by the masses euphoric, waiting for the new messiah. But I swear: I do not dislike Obama. But the Nobel Peace Prize no, holy God. Why? All his intentions were beautifully suspended in the air: wonderful words floating in the sea of \u200b\u200bthe most successful political communication. Not that they can not be realized: maybe it will, of course. We hope everyone. But expect to have - how to say - an empirical evidence? No. Why so much realism? Better a little 'healthy surrealism ... and hope that reality will not disappoint our hearts full of confident hope for a bright future, multi-ethnic and disarmed. Back when the flowers in guns but maybe this time we put them in the Kalashnikov. And smile to the new world, which is actually identical to the old one. But with Obama.
However, the more appalled and - frankly - concerned by the award of this prize should be awarded the distinguished precisely: the expectations were already very high, and this is a fact, but the Nobel Prize has done nothing to constrain Obama within the confines of a narrow and formalissimi engagement with the world. Now Obama can no longer hold back from paying the bill for a solemn promise that he signed as a guarantee giving the very existence [and also be color]: from now on will no longer suffice. I hope.
change the subject, I have the interview Thursday, the latest evidence, to enter the Luiss School of Journalism. I would say that I prefer not to express myself further on: after the written evidence we were in 60 and now it will take 30 for which no is so unlikely that I can do it. Apart from the fact that the interview is sure to be funny, since I have not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat will be the topic of conversation. But the truth is that I do not care. In fact, maybe I'd rather not go: I would prefer to follow the specialist and postpone the decision until later. The journalism schools are unique and specific, targeted towards a single career [not easy, however,] I am not so sure that it is the right one for me. I would like other options, maybe. Or maybe it's just that I think ultimately a choice too. I do not know. I think I'll wait the final result and then decide. For now I I'm good and quiet in the hall of my future.
changing speech yet, I would like to advertise in Via Boncompagni AIED clinic in Rome is a welcoming place, clean, friendly people where they work and prepared. And, since some controls are not exactly pleasant [at least for me: the world is beautiful because it is different, they tell me], I would say that details are not negligible.
Then, other communication service: Flower, where have you gone? Revealed, if you please, and let me know how it's going to Palermo.
I mean what else? That will not sleep tonight beside me? Now I told you. Here, do not sleep next to me. And I will not be safe.

Little creepy girl with her little creepy face.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

If You Have A Cmg Credit Where Can You Shop

hear how the Sonene summir!

hear how the Sonene summir!